Learn English – How to tell somebody not to tell me lies


How should I say to somebody not to tell me lies?

  • Don't lie to me.
  • Don't lie with me.
  • Don't lie on me.
  • Don't lie me.
  • Don't lie.

I am sure that, because of the various meanings lie has, some of those sentences have a meaning different from the one I want, causing some hilarious effect, if I use the wrong preposition.

"Don't lie" seems too generic. What I want to communicate is something on the lines of "You can tell lies to whomever you want, but don't do that with me."

Best Answer

"Don't lie to me" is the phrase you want.

Here's a breakdown of the rest:

  • Don't lie with me.

Don't lie (in the bed) with me. Never said, but this is what it would mean.

  • Don't lie on me.

Don't sleep on top of me. Rarely said because who wants to lie on another person?

  • Don't lie me.

Makes no sense. Lie does not take a direct object.

  • Don't lie.

Makes sense, but you're not specifying that they shouldn't lie to you in particular, but that they should not lie to anyone in general.