Learn English – How to translate “mention bien” and “mention très bien” in English


I'm applying to universities. I was thinking to translate "mention bien/très bien" by "with honors" but on my transcripts I had both (on different diplomas), so I would like to know if I can distinguish them

Best Answer

les mentions on French diplomas (funnily enough, I happen to have three of them) means honors. (Not to be confused with mention on legal documents, please.)

Translators (which is what I am) argue a lot about this. Personally, I would used: degree in [subject] with high honors and with highest honors. I also have a mention très bien.

with honors, high honors, highest honors.

I will, however, point out that those terms work for university degrees. If this is for the BAC, and you use the term baccalaureate diploma (for le BAC, baccalauréat) you can use them. I advise against using "high school diploma" with those terms. The BAC= A Baccalaureate diploma (equivalent to high school plus two years).

[please note: I was thinking of translating x as y.


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