Learn English – How to understand this sentence ‘Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier with computers.’


I'm studying IELTS writing, and I just came across a confusing sentence from this band score 8 essay:

Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier with computers.

As I understand it, this sentence is saying that no one can argue for the opinion, that computers make learning more fun and easier.

But the rest of the paragraph is actually supporting the opinion. So it's supposed to mean the opposite: nobody can argue against the opinion.

Then I found another usage of the word 'argue':

He argued that America should stop Lend-Lease convoying because it needed to fortify its own Army with the supplies.

In this case, the author certainly means that "he" is in favour of something.

Is the first usage wrong? Or am I missing something?

Best Answer

You are right that there is something wrong with the sentence if the writer means:

The acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier with computers. Nobody can dispute or deny this.

The sentence is an example of what the linguists at Language Log call misnegation. Here are some misnegations that they analyse:

There's no limit to what he won't do.

CIA unable to underestimate the effect of drone war.

Your clients are relying on you to help them avoid staying out of jail.

Here is a list of all the Language Log misnegation analyses.

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