Learn English – How to understand “to which” in this sentence


Metaphor : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable

I don't know how to understand.
I tried to divide the sentence.
a figure of speech //in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action //to which it is not literally applicable

  1. what is the usage and meaning of "in which"?
  2. what is the meaning of "is applied to"?
  3. what is the usage and meaning of "to which"??

I tried to find the answer trolling the internet. There are tons of information so it's really difficult to find proper information.

After reading answers and replies, I tried to make sentence.

There is a figure of speech.
A word or phrase is applied to an object or action in the figure of speech.
It is not literally applicable
to the object or action.

Is this right analysis? If so, what does "it" mean in the last sentence.

Best Answer

Here is a key.

And here is a lock to which the key belongs.

The key belongs to the lock. Hence, "to which the key belongs".

Here is a bowl. That is the cabinet in which the bowl belongs.

The bowl belongs in the cabinet.

Here is a vase, and that is the table on which the vase belongs.

The vase belongs on the table.

Here is a log cabin, and that is the forest from which the logs were harvested.

The logs were harvested from the forest.

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