Learn English – How to use “get late”


I know the meaning and usage of "get late" in "It's getting late, I've got to go"
Now I am wondering if it is correct to use the phrase "get late" in this sentence: "Sorry I got late for school today" or rather "Sorry I got late to school today" or "Sorry I arrived late at school today".Which is correct?
In the same way, is it correct to use it like this: "He is running because he is afraid of getting late for school on the first day (of school)"
Thanks you all.

Best Answer

Sentence: "It's getting late, I've got to go"

That's idiomatic, yes. The entire phrase refers to time: it's getting late. The it is called a dummy pronoun and refers to a time. Dummy pronouns are used a lot in English: "It's odd that you think my letter is good."

However, a person is late. A person does not "get late". A person can get other things though: get rich, get poor, get tired. In this usage the verb get means become.

I am late for school. It got late. [it=time expressed with dummy pronoun].