Learn English – How to use ‘Give it a look/Give a look (to)’


I was talking to my colleague today and said him something along these lines:

Do you want me to send you the file so you could give it a look before we attach it to the release plan?

Then, instantly, I realized "to give a look" might sound either too informal to be used with a business person at work whom you don't speak too informal with, or could not even be used by native speakers that much (if ever). So it can sound awkward or maybe just not good.

Do English speakers use "give a look" and in which cases?
I did a quick research, there are a lot of articles on the Internet with "give it a look" but it's not in any dictionary I could check.


More details (as per FumbleFinger's suggestion):

1) the level of informality required – I'd say more formal than informal. The person being asked to review the file is a business person (and older, so more respect) and you are a technical person, yet you are colleagues and there's no junior/senior aspect to the relationship.

2) any "junior/senior" aspect to the relationship – N/A 🙂

3) the reason you're offering the other person a "preview" – to quickly go through the file and see whether it looks OK or not.

Here's a SO link for "take/have a look" though:

Best Answer

In ascending level of informality, you could ask your colleague to give it a look, give it the once-over, eyeball it.

So far as I'm aware, there's nothing particularly informal about look it over, but you might prefer to be more explicit about exactly why you want him to look at it: ...so you can check it before release.

Purely my own opinion, but I think check it out is much more informal (whereas check it over doesn't seem unreasonable in a formal context, but they have slightly different nuances anyway).

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