Learn English – How to use “Having to + VERB”


I know "have to" expresses 'obligations to do something' and I know how to use it in the sentences. For example:

People have to leave their rural areas.

But I have seen ‘having to’ being used as gerunds and in the present continuous tense. For example:

  1. People are having to leave their rural areas. Source

  2. She is having to look after herself now. Source

  3. "Love means never having to say you're sorry." Source

Having read them all, I came to think the first and second sentence are in the present continuous tense.

I'm not sure but my opinion about these three sentences are as follows:

First sentence means:

  • people are obliged to leave their rural areas (The obligation of leaving rural areas is continuing in present and they are now leaving their areas)

The second sentence means:

  • She is in the obligation of looking after herself now. (she didn't have to look after before but now she is in the obligation to look after herself)

I think the third sentence is not in present continuous tense.

"Love means never having to say you're sorry"

  • It means: Love means you never have to say you're sorry.

Here Having to replaces you have to

Am I correct in my opinion? Please correct me If I'm wrong about the meanings of those sentences.

I think one more example could be:

Employment means you have to work

Employment means having to work.

Again, here having to replaces you have to. Do both of these sentences convey the same meaning?

Best Answer

Here is what you are looking for, both 'have to' and 'having to' give the same type of sentences but the event/state in which both sentences have been said is important.

"Have to": to need to do something.(obligation)

"Having to" is the progressive form. (obligation in progressive state)

  1. People are having to leave their rural areas.
  2. She is having to look after herself now.

Both sentences are in continuous tense with the obligation expressed by having to

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