Learn English – How to use preposition of software


The question is like

  • I do my report on/in Word.

  • I do xxx on/in Excel.

which is correct? use on or in.

Btw, I often use "I write my code on my computer." is it correct?

Best Answer

In the US, I've heard 'in' mainly used for software that you're actively running, while other cases use 'on'. There are some tricky nuances like 'look in Gmail' vs 'look on Wikipedia', suggesting that one looks 'in' a private web application but 'on' a public website.

Usage varies and is continuing to evolve. Here are some examples:

I write code and reports on the computer. I do research on the internet; specifically, I search on Google and look on Wikipedia for new articles.

I normally write the reports in Word and Excel. I'm also learning to program in Python. My problem is that today I'm in Windows but nothing happens when I click the start menu. I can't even get into Control Panel. I'm looking in Gmail for my email with technical support.

This kind of problem only seems to happen on Windows. I have other problems on Linux or MacOS or Android, but not like this. I'm running Windows on an old Toshiba laptop.

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