Learn English – How to use the “that being said”


I sometimes see the phrase "that being said" and I wish to know a little more about it. Especially, when and how can we use this phrase?

Is there a difference if we shorten it to "that said"? In what cases are we allowed to do it?

Is it possible to say the following:

  • With that being said, I left the room.
  • While that being said, I was driving.
  • In that being said, I jumped off the roof.
  • As that being said made me fall to my knees and cry.
  • That being said, she locked the door and turned off the light.

Best Answer

That being said, that said, having said that all act as segues to a statement which reverses the spin, so to speak, on what has just been said.

We should treat all students with tolerance and understanding. That being said, a student who engages in threatening or violent behavior should be expelled from the school. We cannot tolerate such aggression.

In the sentence above, "That being said" could be replaced with "That said" or "Having said that" without change of meaning.

P.S. The preposition with would be OK with "that being said" and "that said" but not really with "having said that". You cannot use while because while goes with something ongoing, whereas this construction, with past participle said, refers to an act completed.

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