Learn English – How to use words that I have learned just recently


So I like using new words when I learn them, especially because they sound cool, and nice. However, I can't seem to put them in a sentence where it doesn't sound awkward, or pretentious. It will always seem awkward. For example, the word peruse (not just this word, other words as well). Is there a way to practice how a word is used without sounding awkward when using it?

I do indeed convey the meaning properly, however it just doesn't sound good when I use it in a sentence, please tell me what to do, I want to be able to use fancy words and be a very good writer at English. Please help me, can you show me just peruse as an example? Thank you very much in advance.

Best Answer

I completely understand your problem. I have been there!

The problem with non-native speakers is that they want to use more words in their speeches and writing to sound better without knowing how and where to place those words and when!

As non-native speakers, we often ignore the 'type' of the word, its pronunciation (a big factor for us!) and the word's placement.

The Solution:

Don't just check the type and meaning of the word; focus more on **how the word is used* through examples on standard dictionaries like OALD, MW, Collin's, and Longman's etc.

Take my own example. Years back, I had the same problem. I had come across the word 'admire'. I read the meaning but ignored something that was also written there in the dictionary (because it was not the part of word's 'meaning').

I then started using the word 'admire'.

Do you know that Mike raised his voice against the corruption in the college ~ Yes, I admire!

I was happy using the word. But was it right? NO!

What I had ignored was the type of verb it was! Transitive verb! This means, this word requires an object after it. Means, 'admire what?' is required.

So, then on, I was very conscious using the word.

Do you know that Mike raised his voice against the corruption in the college ~ Yes, I admire his courage!

So, my suggestion is that maintain a document, write down those new words, and most importantly along with their meaning, also write down the examples like how they are used.

At times, looking at an example or two won't serve the purpose. Check on other dictionaries and more examples from them. Once you are confirmed about the usage, simply memorize it!

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