Learn English – How to write an essay without using ‘used to’ in following sentences


I am writing an essay for an exam where I am getting all the sentences with the word 'used to'. Is there a way I can write it without using it.

For example:

I used to be reluctant to eat food. My mother used to feel wrong about it
and then she used to prepare different varieties. I used to try them
but nothing interesting to me and then she used to scold and made me

It seems like my complete essay will go like this with 'used to'. Is there a way to write the above passage without using 'used to' anywhere?

Best Answer

There are a number of options:

English speakers frequently use would in the place of used to.

For example, they say things like:

When I lived in London I would go swimming after school

which has the same meaning as I used to.

So you might change the passage (and make several corrections) to read:

I was once reluctant to (eat or take) food. My mother would feel bad (rather than wrong) about it and then she would prepare different varieties. I would try them but nothing interested ( or was interesting to) me and then she would scold (me) and make (rather than made) me eat.