Learn English – How to write “I want to work in such fields later” in a formal way


I am writing a covering letter for an internship, but I am having a hard time on a sentence. It seems to me that something is wrong, but I can't figure what it is.

I have changed 1 or 2 things, for privacy purpose. Please, act like it was the original version!

I have seen on your website that your activities go from bread testing to wireless cake. I am keen to work in such fields later.

This seems very odd to me. The last sentence is both too short and too… disharmonious?

What I want to say is that I want to "test bread" and work in "wireless cake" when my studies will be over. That could even be at the end of the internship if everything went well.

Could you propose me a better way to say this?

Best Answer

(Being very reluctant to post this as an answer, I finally decide to post it, even though it may not flow well or goes well with the surrounding sentences in your cover letter.)

Here are your sentences:

I have seen on your website that your activities go from bread testing to wireless cake. I am keen to work in such fields later.

Let me focus only on the part you asked in the title: How to write “I want to work in such fields later” in a formal way. Here are a couple of good alternatives, in my opinion:

  • I am looking forward to working in these fields after graduation.
  • I intend to pursue my interest in these fields after graduation.
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