Learn English – How’s things going for you vs How’re things going for you


I have been reading a novel (Sometimes it Lasts) for sometime now. And I read something that did not sound natural to me, so here I am to get some help on it.

In the novel:

“Yeah, he did” was Dad’s only response. “How’s things going for you,
little girl? That boy still treating you right?”

As per my opinion it should have be:

“Yeah, he did” was Dad’s only response. “How’re things going for you,
little girl? That boy still treating you right?”

As her dad was asking about things so there should have be are instead of is. Have I made the sense?

Best Answer

You are correct. The reason that you will run into this in conversation is because of several related questions:

How's it going?
How's everything?
How's he doing?

Since there are numerous related phrases, it's fairly common to mix the number and come up with "how's things?" Probably because it's fairly common for humans to change their minds about what they are going to say while in the middle of saying it.