Learn English – ‘I am he’ or ‘I am him’


I want to say that that person is me. But then, precisely, I want to keep the pronoun in place to add some spice and power to it! Otherwise, better choices are… That person is me/that's me, I'm that 'he' etc.

The context (hypothetical) is someone unknowingly describing 'he' and then I reveal that I'm that 'he'.

"Yeah, I know she is mad in love with someone whom I have never seen. And you know what, he is very mysterious. I have heard that he practices black magic as well. At times, she behaves that someone has doggoned her. Do you know him?"

And I reply cunningly…

(chuckling) I am he/him.

I lean toward him. As we say… "…hey…see there…that's him"

But Jesus says… I am he!.

Best Answer

Usually, I am him would be the right one because him is the object.

But in a more complex sentence it could be he, e.g. Who's in charge here? I am he (who's in charge here). This construction sounds pompous, you would usually answer with just It's me, me or I am, but it's something you could see in literature or a film.

Also, I wouldn't trust the Bible or other antique books as a reference for grammar or vocabulary, since the English used in them may be archaic or overly complex for today's standards.