Learn English – I am too tired ____ out. Besides, I have to wake up early morning. The correct answer is “going”. Why


I tried some online tests just now:

I am too tired _______ out. Besides, I have to wake up early morning.

I chose 'to go'. However, it turned out that I was wrong, according to the test maker. The correct answer is 'going'. Why do we use gerund here?

enter image description here

I saw a post here: https://forums.digitalspy.com/discussion/539036/too-tired-to-go-out-after-work-its-getting-me-down

-> This 'too tired' is followed by (to-verb)

Can someone elaborate why the answer is 'going'?
Please explain as thorough as possible, and give some statistics and maybe some scientific journals/data to back up your claim.


Source for anyone interested: httx://wwx.prolancom.com/test-your-english

Best Answer

Firstly, my initial answer would have been the same as yours, "I am too tired to go out".

However, while

"I am too tired going out"

does sound a little strange, it is possible. It implies that the speaker is already out, but would rather not be out.

Compare with

"I am too tired to go out"

which implies that going out is a future action. This usage indicates that the speaker is not going to go, or is very reluctant.