Learn English – ‘I called you yesterday’ or ‘I was calling you yesterday’


Which one of these sentences are more accurate in this specific context and what the differences between both of them are?

A: I was calling you yesterday about the flat you are offering

B: I called you yesterday about the flat you are offering..

I went with B option when writing a message.. but not completely sure about it
Many thanks

Best Answer

Option B

I called you yesterday about the flat you are offering ...

Is simple and unambiguous, it has a sense of completion coming from called you.

If you tried to call but perhaps instead spoke to a different person

I called yesterday about the flat you are offering, but you were not available.

Again there is clear sense of completion.

I was calling you yesterday about the flat you are offering

This has a feeling that the call was in some way incomplete, there's an implication that something happened while I was calling

I was calling you yesterday about the flat you are offering, but our conversation was cut short by ...