Learn English – I don’t get this joke “Massive Attack On Pentagon Page 14 News”, can anybody explain me its meaning


I was reading an article about the first issue published by the satiric magazine 'The Onion' after the 9/11 attacks. One of the headlines of that issue was

Massive Attack On Pentagon Page 14 News

I simply don't get the meaning of the sentence and I'm especially confused about the last part, "Page 14 News". I find that part unrelated to the rest of the sentence.

Best Answer

"Front page news" is a synonym for the important or notable story. It's the news that's important enough to put on the cover of the newspaper.

So, page 14 news would be, in comparison, very unimportant, or not at all noteworthy, novel or interesting.

The irony is that a massive attack on the Pentagon would be expected to be all of those. Unless of course, it is happening often. Or perhaps if the Pentagon had ceased to be seen as important.

Edit: I was half-asleep when I originally wrote this, and hadn't spotted the fact that the item in the Onion was a contemporaneous report on 9/11. So the irony is that so many massive attacks have happened that an attack on the Pentagon is being "buried" on page 14.

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