Grammar – ‘I Feel Well’ vs ‘I Feel Good’?


"I feel well" and "I feel good" these both sentences are used occasionally, but what is difference between them. I mean when someone ask to a patient "How are you feeling now" and he replies "I feel well" or "I feel good" then the person who is asking this question might be confused. I mean in which context patient is informing.

Best Answer

You know that after "feel" we need to use adjectives, not adverbs, don't you? For example, I feel ill, cheerful, bad, etc.

So, if well is an adjective, then it means healthy: I feel well = My health is good.

And if you feel good, then you feel happy ("I feel good! And I feel nice, like sugar and spice!" - from James Brown's "I feel good").

However, good can also mean healthy depending on the context:

I don't feel very good. I need to lie down.

In this case good and well are interchangeable.