Word Usage – What Does My Son Call My Male Cousin?


Uncle: the brother of your mother or father; the husband of your aunt

aunt: the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle

brother: a boy or man who has the same mother and father as another person

sister: a girl or woman who has the same mother and father as another person

Say I have a sister and my son calls her "aunt", for example, "Aunt Mary"

I have many cousins, too. They are children of my father's brothers or sisters.

What does my son call my cousins? "Uncle Tom" etc?

I am confused.

Best Answer

As has already been answered, the technical term for the relationship between your cousin and your children is first cousins once removed. This article helps explain the different kinds of cousins.

However, this term is very rarely used in everyday conversation. In fact, it wouldn't be surprising for a native English speaker to ask the very same question you are asking.

Most people refer to all their first cousins, second cousins etc simply as cousins.

However, you asked if your son should call your cousin "uncle" and I think it is worth noting that it is common in Britain for children to use the terms "uncle" and "aunt" as polite terms for a wide range of older people, including non-relatives such as close friends of their parents. For that reason, it would not surprise me at all if a child referred to their parent's cousin as "uncle".