Learn English – “I have ever been to New York. “Is this sentence correct


I'm not a native english speaker.
I know this sentence is correct.

Have you ever been to New York? (O)
I have never been to New York. (O)

I have ever been to New York. <<<< ???
Is this sentence correct in grammar? or possible? or natural?

Best Answer

In short, "ever" cannot be used to make an assertion, but rather to ask a question, or an embedded question (wh-clause).

For instance

He is asking me whether I have ever been to New York.

Have I ever been to New York? I don't think so. I have never been to New York.

The wh-clause "whether I have ever been to New York" cannot be used by itself; it is dependent on another clause.

Also note that we can make a statement with "ever", if it is negative. This is based on the principle that "never" can be regarded as a condensation of "not ever"

I have not ever been to New York.

Finally, structures like "have I ever been ..." are possible, if they express irony or emotive emphasis. For instance, "Boy, have I ever been cheated!"

This could somehow apply to New York.

A: Have you been to New York?

B: Have I ever been to new York! I spent three weeks there just last year and actively explored the city for something like ten hours a day.