Learn English – “I have no room / I have no space” Which one sounds better


I have no room in my house


I have no space in my house

Which sounds better?

Best Answer

To my (American) ear, "room"'s connotations are slightly more 2-dimensional, and "space"'s connotations are slightly more 3-dimensional.

Thus, if you have so much clutter that you don't have "elbow room", or cannot find any more floor area for activities, "You have no room in your house."

If you have so much clutter that you cannot find a place (even up high, or down low, or in a closet or cabinet) to put anything, "You have no space in your house."

It is easy to imagine someone who has unused space in their house, who does not have any more room for new activities (or for people to move in). It requires a dedicated "hoarder" to use up all of the space in a house.