Learn English – ” I have to go home so I need to leave early” is it correct


" I have to go home so I need to leave early" is it correct when we are asking for early leave permission in mail.

Best Answer

If this is all you say, it might be considered rude. It can sound like you expect or are entitled to leave early. Also, it seems vague. I would recommend that you include the reason that you need to leave, if possible. I understand that the reason might be a private/personal reason, but the person from whom you request permission might require some proof.

You might consider

  1. I have to go home so I need to leave early. Is this (that) ok?
  2. I need to go home because (reason). Is this fine?
  3. (Reason), so I need to go home early? Is that ok?
  4. (Reason). May I leave early (on date you need to leave early)?
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