Learn English – I haven’t even…. vs i haven’t….yet


Sentence A : I haven't even examined the results.

Sentence B : I haven't examined the results yet

Question : Which one that a native english speaker would use ? or is there any alternative that would sound more natural by a native tounge.

Best Answer

Though both of these sentences mean the same, I think, the first one is preferred when you protest or justify yourself. The word even in this sentence is probably used as an intensive particularly to indicate something unexpected.

For sentence A, it seems that the person is astonished and expressing that leave explaining (why the result is like that), he has not even seen the results.

For sentence B, it seems that the person is just explaining that so far, he has not seen the results and hence cannot comment on it.

You may find these examples useful:

Case 1:

Mom: Ian, why did you spoil this smartphone?
Ian: No mamma, I haven't even touched it.

Case 2:

Mom: Ian, do you know this smartphone has a fingerprint recognition?
Ian: No mamma, I haven't seen its features yet.

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