Learn English – I learned about ‘enough that~’ sentence structure like:


A few days ago, I learned about 'enough that~' sentence structure like:

  1. I don't go joging often enough that I would buy a pair of dedicated walking shoes.

And I'd like to know if this sentence is the same meaning as

  1. I don't go joging as often as I would buy a pair of dedicated walking shoes.

Finally, I just want to double check making another sentence, so please let me know if this sentence is right to use.

  1. I am tired enough that I would need to take a nap right now.

  2. I am as tired as I would need to take a nap right now.

Best Answer

Those sentences are not right.

I don't go jogging often enough that I would buy a pair of dedicated walking shoes.

This does not make sense. It should say: "I do not {do x} often enough that I would {do something related to x}". Going jogging and buying walking shoes are unrelated, so the comparison doesn't work. You could say walking and walking shoes, or jogging and jogging shoes:

I don't go walking often enough that I would buy a pair of dedicated walking shoes.

I don't go jogging often enough that I would buy a pair of dedicated jogging shoes.

Meaning: the person would get little benefit from buying the shoes.

And I'd like to know if this sentence is the same meaning as

I don't go jogging as often as I would buy a pair of dedicated walking shoes.

No they don't mean the same thing; as often as compares how often two things happen, and says which one happens more often. People don't buy walking shoes regularly, and would not talk about how often they would buy shoes compared to going running.

Finally, I just want to double check making another sentence, so please let me know if this sentence is right to use.

I am tired enough that I would need to take a nap right now.

Take "would" out of the sentence, and it works; meaning "I am very tired". Or:

I am tired enough that I would take a nap right now, if I was at home.

"I am tired enough to sleep, but I must not sleep here"

I am tired enough that I would need to take a nap right now, if we were going jogging this afternoon.

"I am tired enough that I would sleep if {...} (but I'm not going to sleep)"

I am as tired as I would need to take a nap right now.

This doesn't have any clear meaning. It's a mix of "as tired as {a comparison with some other level of tiredness}", "as tired as I would need to be {... to fulfil some condition ...}", "I would need to take a nap if { some condition }", "need to take a nap right now".

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