Learn English – I see what it is about


Please help me. I'm wondering what this phrase "I see what it is about" mean? And please show me that what context can it usually used in?

And this is the context:

A: You know, ever since college it's been, Marshall and Lilly and me. Now, it's gonna be Marshall and Lilly… and me. They'll get married, start a family. Before long, I'm that weird, middle-aged bachelor their kids call Uncle Ted.

B: I see what this is about.

(Source: How I Met Your Mother, Season 1, episode 1)

Best Answer

It means "I understand the situation", or more specifically "I understand the causes of this situation".

The phrase "I see" means "I understand" or "I get it". The "this" in "...what this is about" refers to the situation as a whole. "...is about" refers to what the events being referenced are in response to, i.e. the root causes of the situation.

In this case B understands A's worry or distress about the situation of Marshall, Lilly, and A. B understands that the cause of the situation is Marshall and Lilly's getting married and A's worry that A will no longer be as close to Marshall and Lilly. It may also be that B is saying this in response to the "Uncle Ted" bit, which would imply that B understands A's worry about being the "Uncle Ted" type.

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