Learn English – “I should be doing the homework.” Vs. “I should do the homework.”


I can discern a certain nuance from the following examples:

  1. I should be doing my homework.

  2. I should do my homework.

I would think #1 suggests that I am supposed to be doing my homework now while #2 suggests that I may as well do my homework now but it is not required. I am not sure I got it right. Please help to elaborate on this.

Best Answer

Your feeling is correct!

I should be doing my homework.

This implies that I am doing something else, but the right thing to do would be to stop that and get started on my homework.

I should do my homework.

This does not imply anything about what I am doing right now. Therefore, it also lacks a strong sense of value judgement about doing homework now. It might be a good idea to start it right now, but it's not necessarily bad behaviour if I don't.

Why the difference? I think it's down to two things:

  1. Because "should be" is used for deliberate contrast with what is, while "should" alone doesn't have this sense of contrast.
  2. Because "do" could mean now or later, whereas "be doing" is definitely now. Even if it's clear from context that I mean now, the vagueness of the former makes it seem less urgent.
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