Learn English – I was really young. “I don’t even remember what is about” vs “I don’t remember what it was about”


I have a question about the tenses in a sentence. Hope you can help me.

I was talking to a friend and I goes
“looks like everyone is watching “Love Actually” for xmas. I watched it once when I was really young. I don’t even remember what is about”

So, I was wondering what tenses should use for “remember” and “be” in the last sentence.

Don’t or didn’t?
(Though to my sense, I’m quite sure I should use present tense here, as I don’t remenber now and in general situation.)

Is or was?
(Not sure about this one. Both sound correct to me. If it was a thing in the past, I guess I should use past tense. However, the moive is still exsisting, so I’m not sure about it)

Side questions from about content:
1. Should I use “I was talking to a friend and I GOES” or “I was talking to a friend and I WENT”?
2. Should I use “Both sound” or “Both sounds”?

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Best Answer

From context it seems clear that you should say

I don't even remember what it is about.

This means that at the moment you do not recall what the movie is about because it has been a long time since you have seen it. On the other hand if you were to say

I didn't even remember what it was about.

Then you are saying that at some point in the past someone asked about about it and at that time you were unable to recall what it was about. This latter phrase makes it unclear whether you know what it's about now or not.

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