Learn English – I wish I ate meat


I heard this in a Hollywood movie called "How to lose a guy in 10 days". A boy cooked his girlfriend meat and served her but she said I wish I ate meat.

Can we also say this like?

Would both sentences convey the same meaning?

I wish I could eat meat.

Best Answer

Not quite.

I wish I ate meat indicates that, for whatever reason, she does not eat meat. Technically, this could be by choice, it could be for medical reasons, etc.

I wish I could eat meat indicates that she is prevented from eating meat, whether she chooses to or not. Possibly her religion forbids it, or she has a health problem that prevents it, either way there is some external factor or force that prevents her from eating meat.

Most likely from the context, she is vegetarian by choice, as this is a common phrase when someone is abstaining. Another example would be "I don't drink" to indicate abstaining from alcohol.

Technically, the first phrase doesn't indicate the reason she does not eat meat; it simply states that she doesn't. The second phrase indicates both that she does not eat meat, but also indicates that there's a factor or force preventing it. Without that indication, the assumption is that it is by choice.