Learn English – idiom for “close the door that allows wind into your house”


In Arabic, we have an expression that literally translates as

Close the door that allows (or would allow) the wind to pass through, and have peace of mind.

We use it as a metaphor for avoiding problematic situations or situations involving potential trouble. For example, if your friend's job is making him unhappy or involves extreme exertion, you could advise him to find another job using this expression. I'm looking for an English expression that's as literally close to this as possible.

Best Answer

Strange! In English, shutting or closing the door is mostly negative! I'm afraid whether you get a literal word/phrase that means closing the door and convey a positive message.

In English, all positive means are for opening the door. So, the closest I can think of is a phrase with little amendment.

If you are not comfortable with your job and if it's harming you mentally, I think you should open up another door.

We use 'open up the doors to new opportunities...' and the like.

The usage, in this context, would mean that your friend needs to switch the job and find some another company.