Learn English – Idiom for having bad things happen to you because you did something bad


Are there any idioms in English that express something like:

If you try to sabotage someone's life or work, someday the same thing will happen to you

Best Answer

As @Cardinal says, "karma" is one way to describe this. Specifically, "karmic justice" is a common phrase used to refer to some justice or punishment dealt by the universe (or the gods) as a response to malicious actions.

You may also be looking for phrases such as:

You will have your judgment day.

"Judgment day" makes reference to when a person dies and is judged by a god or gods. Depending on the judgment, that person may or may not be admitted to heaven (or the equivalent in that religion) and may instead be sent to hell (or the equivalent).

There are also phrases without religious undertones, such as:

What goes around comes around.

This is the same concept (if you do something bad to someone, you will have something equally bad done to you), but without reference to any specific system of belief.

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