Learn English – Idiom for “one-after-another”


Looking for an idiom that describe such situation that one event entails another. I.e., describing mostly for troublesome/negative events that comes one-after-another. "long-tailed"?

For example,

  • to explain "Z", then I have to first to explain "Y", which depends on understanding of "X", which builds on top of "W", …
  • or, it's like pulling up a huge carrot — the more you pull, yet the more it seems are still missing.

I.e., once started, problems come one-after-another. Any idiom for this? Thanks

Best Answer

Here are a few commonplaces that might suit your needs:

Let's not get into that subject. It's a can of worms.

Don't pull that thread, or the whole thing will unravel.

Careful, it's a slippery slope.

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