Learn English – If anyone cares to join me, (they are /he is?) most welcome


If anyone cares to join me in this campaign, either now or in future, (they are/he is) most welcome.

Which is the correct form of pronoun to use with anyone? The sentence I read had they are but since anyone is singular isn't it better to use he is?

Also is it better to use whether in place of either?

Best Answer

They/them/their can be used after a person, anybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, whoever, each and every. They has a plural verb in this case.

A) If anybody calls, take their name and ask them to call again later.
B) Nobody was late, were they?

This singular use of they/them/their is convenient when the person referred to could be either male or female. So it's better to say:

If anyone cares to join me in this campaign, either now or in future, they are most welcome.

For more information see Practical English Usage(528)