Learn English – If I’m extremely hungry, I’m ‘famished’; if I’m extremely thirsty, I’m …..


I know the word that describes extreme hunger.

I'm hungry. I can wait for food for some time.
I'm famished, waiting is not possible.

Famished is very hungry. Since there's a word to describe 'extreme hunger', I'm pretty sure there must be a word for 'extreme thirst'.

I'm thirsty. But I can wait for water to come.
I'm ________, waiting is not possible.

What's the word to fill in the blank?

Best Answer

The drink parallel of famished is parched.

Dictionary.com main section
5. verb (used without object) to suffer from heat, thirst, or need of water.
Dictionary.com "World English Dictionary" section
2. (tr; usually passive) to make very thirsty: I was parched after the run

Dehydrated is a more clinical term, and would be parallel to malnourished, I think.

Both famished and parched can be used in both formal and informal contexts, although they're frequently used with a bit of hyperbole implied, which skews them toward the informal.

I'm so parched I think I could drink a river.

There are also a lot of idioms out there to signify extreme thirst, such as the "spitting cotton" one mentioned by CopperKettle, but if you're looking for the most straightforward parallel to famished, then you really can't do better than parched.