Learn English – If ‘Social Media’ is uncountable and plural, why do we say ‘Social media is…’


This all began when I saw Grammarly giving me a red line on the verb has. My sentence, as I remember roughly, was…

Social media has all potential to make your products and services popular

The Grammarly tool suggests 'have' and gives me a reason:

The singular verb has does not appear to agree with the plural subject media. Consider changing the verb form for subject-verb agreement.

It gave me surprise because I have, at many places, seen the usage of Social media is… I then explored on OALD which has an entry for this two-word word

social media (uncountable, plural) ~ Social media is a big part of my life

Kindly help me learn.

Best Answer

There is no such a thing as a plural non-count noun. If there can be a plural form, it can be counted.

Strictly speaking, media is the plural of medium, just as data is the plural of datum. But with media and data we often use a singular verb. Purists disagree and insist on a plural verb.

Media and data are often used as collective nouns, thus the choice between singular or plural verb form.

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