Learn English – I’m looking for one word which describes what a student who missed classes needs to do


I'm looking for one word which describes what a student who missed classes needs to do in order to complete his missing.

For example if he missed biology class he needs to seat with the teacher and study this missed class together with her and then he get the mark for this missed class. Someone -who isn't native English speaker- told me that it's called "rework". But I looked for it in some dictionaries (such as Merriem-webster) and I didn't find such definition.

A Ukrainian university that uses this term: "SCHEDULE of reworks of missed classes"

Best Answer

That a student needs to sit with the teacher and study does not mean it will happen.

I think you are interested in

  1. catch up
    1. do something that should have been done before
  2. make up (verb)
    1. b : to do or take in order to correct an omission
      <make up a history exam>
  3. makeup (noun)
    1. : something that makes up for a previous postponement, omission, failure, or deficiency <a makeup exam>

Since this student missed classes (or whatever), he needs to catch up. He can do his makeup (or makeup work) at home by himself, with the teacher at school (if she is available), or whatever was arranged between the two.

If the student missed something mandatory, like an exam, and he has to take it outside of the original time, then he has to make it up. You could also say he has to make up his exam. He can also take a makeup exam, but I feel like this usually implies that this exam is different from the one taken by others at the original time.

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