Learn English – In small size or small size of


For example a greengrocer sells two types of orange which are big size and small size . While we speak about which orange I need , I say sentence below;

I need small size of this ( by showing big size oranges as I couldn't see the small size orange )


I need this in small size ( by showing big size oranges I couldn't see the small sized orange )

I know there are more simple ways to explain this situtaion but I try to learn difference between two phrase .What I wonder is that does both sentence have same meaning ?I mean'' in small size or small size of'' cause sentence mean different ?

Best Answer

Even before coming to the discussions on grammatical correctness here; Since you are using words that refer to the size of the object like 'small' and 'large' you don't need to specify size explicitly. You can instead ask for a 'smaller' or 'larger' orange.

Going into examples cited, I would rewrite them as follows.

A greengrocer sells oranges, both big and small.

Here the reason to avoid usage of types is that it can be misconstrued as if you are specifying two varieties of oranges and not the sizes per se.

I need a smaller/larger orange

If we are framing it as a question so as to ask for the availability of a smaller or larger orange. you can use

Do you have a smaller/orange?

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