Meaning – Understanding ‘In Tone’


I've read a text aboat early friendship effect on relationship with siblings. This text is in the book 'Vocabulary for IELTS'.
In a sentence it says:

And children who as preschoolers were able to coordinate play with a friend, manage conflicts and keep an interaction positive in tone were most likely as teenagers to avoid the negative sibling interaction that can sometimes launch children on a path of antisocial behavior.

I couldn't find 'in tone' anywhere on the Internet!! What that means here?!

Best Answer

"Positive in [its] tone" means "in a positive tone"

The phrase "keep an interaction positive in tone" is just a slightly awkward/literary way of saying ensure that the tone [general character] of any interaction is positive [optimistic, helpful, hopeful].

For example, 'The discussions were positive in tone' = 'The tone of the discussions was positive' (ie they were conducted civilly / probably had a positive outcome).

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