Learn English – infinitives used as adverb or adjective


Infinitives can act as nouns, adjectives & adverbs in a sentence.

A friend to call would be nice.

Here, "to call" modifies the noun "friend". Therefore an adjective.
But in the sentence:

I went outside to sing.

does "to sing" act as an adverb or adjective?
The book says that "to sing" modifies the verb "went" (hence an adverb) but doesn't it modify the noun "outside" (hence an adjective).

Best Answer

A friend to call would be nice.

"To call" is not an adjective; it's category is 'infinitival relative clause' and its function is modifier of "friend".

I went outside to sing.

Here, the infinitival clause "to sing" is a purpose adjunct modifying the VP "went outside". It gives the purpose for your going outside

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