Learn English – Instruction while drinking milk – Don’t spill the milk; what about solid food


I instruct my daughter when she's drinking milk

Take care; don't spill it.

How do we do the same for food i.e. solid food?

Take care; don't _______ it.

To my mind comes the only option – drop. But I also feel that 'dropping' suits more when the bowl is broken. Say – She dropped the bowl and broke it.

The problem further grows when we have 'specific' food

For french fries…

Take care; don't _____ the fries

For steak…

Take care; don't _____ the steak

For popcorn…

Take care; don't _____ popcorn

For burger…

Take care; don't _____ burger (I mean some pieces or inner content of it…maybe, some onion or sauce or anything that is 'inside' it).

Do we have different words for different 'shapes' of food? Say little pieces (popcorn), steak (one large piece), fries (long pieces)…and so on?

I'd like to have more options, if any.

spill is also used for solid food. For instance, spill the beans. But I feel it's especially for liquid.

The beauty is in my mother tongue, we have a common term used for everything!

Best Answer

"Spill" is not limited to liquids. It's quite common to say, for example, "The peanuts spilled out of the bowl".

Maybe, possibly, "spill" is thought of more for liquids or collections of small items. A fluent speaker would readily say both "The milk spilled out of the glass" and "the corn spilled off [or "from"] my plate". But I think he'd be unlikely to say, "The steak spilled off my plate." He'd be more likely to say, "The steak slid off ..." or "... fell off ...". For a plate we'd say "off", like "The steak slid off my plate." For a bowl it's generally "out of", like "butter fell out of the bowl". But you'd rarely have a single large item in a bowl. If you make it generic, like "When the airplane hit turbulence, the food spilled from my plate", I think it's perfectly good.

You might say, "I dropped my plate", but you wouldn't be likely to say, "I dropped my steak" if what happened was that you tilted the plate and the steak slid off. "Dropped" is appropriate for food held in the hand without a plate or bowl, like, "I dropped my ice cream cone".

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