Learn English – Is “become” both stative and dynamic verb


Since it is OK to say "The house is becoming more expensive", become can be a dynamic verb for dynamic verbs allow the progressive tense. I wonder if become is also considered as a stative verb.

Best Answer

Become is a contraction of come to be, which is a general Inchoative (change of state) predicate,
like start, finish, end, begin, and continue.

  • He became tired ~ He came to be tired - He was not tired at time t₀, and he was tired at (later) time t₁.
  • He became a doctor ~ He came to be a doctor - not a doctor at time t₀, and doctor at (later) time t₁.

Inchoatives change states, but change between states may be gradual, allowing for optional continuous constructions, under the right circumstances. These all mean the same thing, for instance:

  • The value of the house continues to rise every year.
  • The value of the house is continuing to rise every year.
  • The value of the house becomes higher every year.
  • The value of the house is becoming higher every year.
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