Learn English – Is ‘compromisation’ actually used, or is there a better word


I'm writing an IT security related text and instinctively wrote the word "compromisation".

When I thought about it, I wasn't too sure anymore, so I check and the only actual reference to the word I found was on wiktionary.

Spell checks in my browser or MS Word don't know it either.

How I wanted to use it:

Attacker X used method Y to compromise system Z. (this seems fine to me)

Method Y lead to a compromisation of system Z. (this is what I attempted to use, but doesn't seem to be right)

Q: Is compromisation actually used in the English language or is there a better word for this?

edit: I've also come across this post in a forum, where the same question was asked, without conclusion.

Best Answer

Although a search on the Internet shows some dictionaries defining compromisation as "the act of compromising", it is not commonly used, and might even be grammatically incorrect (I too can't find an authoritative conclusion on this).

However, it is better replaced by an appropriate use of the word compromise.

QUESTIONABLE: Method Y lead to a compromisation of system Z.

PREFERABLE: Method Y led to a compromise of system Z.

PREFERABLE: Method Y led to system Z being compromised.

In this context, compromise is used to mean breaching a system.

There is another use of compromise which means to arrive at a mutually agreeable settlement.

QUESTIONABLE: The two parties in the accident did a compromisation.

PREFERABLE: The two parties in the accident arrived at a compromise.

PREFERABLE: The two parties in the accident compromised by agreeing to pay for their own repairs.

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