Learn English – Is emotional a negative word


I have learned English from TV shows, movies, CNN, Discovery channel, and NGC for years. One of my USA friend told me emotional is a negative word such as " Do not be emotional! Yelling and being hysrerical is not helping." and never say " you are emotional" to someone. It sounds refering to being unreasonal rather than emotion and feelings. However, I also googled an possive example, "an emotional support from relatives". I am confuced by the conflict. Can emotional be used in a neutral or positive way such as " Being emotional and rational is equally important to build a successful connection to colleges, which leads to a successful career" ?

Best Answer

You may be confusing being emotional with having feelings or caring.
Emotions are feelings, however being emotional is not the same.

In Western parlance, begin emotional is the same as being irrational the opposite of being rational. Your example of emotional support is caring (giving support) for someone who is struggling emotionally.

You are also correct in thinking that feelings and empathy are good qualities to have as a leader. These are usually referred to as

Emotional Intelligence

but that is perceiving emotions not projecting emotions (being emotional)

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