Learn English – Is “freaking” considered at least a little offensive


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There the red hair women(Aubrey) asked about how many "freaking" kids does another women(Teresa) have? Is it just an offensive way for someone to use "freaking" when they are talking about someone kids? I found no resentment after the question is asked, and i don't know if i am too sensitive.

edit:updated the link

Best Answer

Some words are taboo; we sometimes refer to them with names like "the F-word" or "the A-word", or even (oh, my!) "the C-word", because we know that they have some potential for offense regardless of context, and if we're polite, we want to avoid violating the taboo ourselves.

Fricking ranks much lower on the profanity scale. It's not really polite, and it can certainly be used in a rude manner, but it lacks most of the built-in potential for offense that makes us avoid saying certain other words. I imagine that for most speakers, whether or not it's offensive depends on context.

In this case, the speaker doesn't intend any offense, and none is taken. Quite the opposite! From her tone of voice and the context of her words, it seems that the speaker is using emphatic swearing:

Here's the thing about Teresa: she has amazing heart, she does give a hundred and ten percent, she has--I don't even know, how many fricking kids do you have?

The idiomatic phrase I don't even know as well as fricking both serve to emphasize the question. She may or may not remember the exactly how many children Teresa has, but the way she phrases her question lets us know that she thinks the answer is a lot.

Out of context, that question might indeed be offensive. But after all that lavish praise, it's hard to mistake her intent: in short, although it's phrased as a question, she's pointing out to everyone else how many children Teresa has and including this fact in her list of compliments. Emphasizing the question with a tame word like fricking can't be offensive, because she's emphasizing a compliment!

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