Learn English – Is “If he had come tomorrow, I would have gone.” grammatically correct


Is this sentence grammatically correct?

If he had come tomorrow, I would have gone.

I am trying to convey that

He will not come and I can't go. Does it convey the same meaning?

Can "If +had perfect+ would have" be used to express something in future?

Best Answer

Yes, this is a perfectly correct sentence, where tomorrow has the same meaning as it would have in any other conditional sentence. This type of conditional is sometimes called a doubly remote conditional.

We use conditionals like this when it has already been decided that the situation in the if-clause is not going to happen, or when we have ruled it out as a possibility. This is exactly the situation that the Original Poster asks about.

Here is the relevant excerpt from The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, Huddleston, Pullum et al. (2002, p. 754):

enter image description here

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