Learn English – Is “into the skin” in this sentence correct


Is "into the skin" in this sentence correct?

Make sure you spread the ointment into the skin.

This sentence is from a vocabulary book that I am learning English with.

I thought "onto the skin" or "on the skin" is right instead of "into the skin".
If either is possible to use, then what is the difference between them?

Best Answer

Your example sentence

Make sure you spread the ointment into the skin

is grammatically correct and understandable with the meaning

Apply the ointment so that it penetrates the skin

however the phrasing may be found awkward by native speakers. The awkwardness arises from the use of spread...into.

Skin is a surface which things are usually placed on, over, or through and sometimes into

The wind on his skin made him feel cold
She poured water over her skin to wash it
The splinter pierced through his skin
The injection was made into the second layer of skin

Ointment can be applied over skin and then allowed to penetrate into the skin due to the latter's permeability.

Make sure to spread the ointment over your skin until it is absorbed

may convey the message you want with less awkwardness