Learn English – Is it a mistake? or grammatically ok? ‘I’m gonna have to work on what else can she call me/


I watched a interview with Hillary on Ellen Show.

Hillary was talking about her granddaughter. Ellen asked what she called Hillary

Hillary said on the show :

She’s got a couple of words. I’m waiting to see what she wants to call
me. If I like it, I’ll say “yeah that’s a good one”. If I don’t, then
I’m gonna have to work on what else can she call me.

I thought that the last sentence was supposed to be like I'm gonna have to work on what else she can call me. Because 'what else she can call me' is not a question.
So, I thought she said it grammatically wrong. But I'm not sure if it is her slight mistake.

You could watch it at 3:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RihhE7Qgkww&t=3m50s

Best Answer

The construction is a type of rhetorical question.

Hilary gives a slight pause after "I'm gonna have to work on" and then asks

what else can she call me?

notice that there is an inflection in her voice as if asking a question, and hand gestures and a determined look at Ellen for emphasis in repeating Ellen's original question of "What does she call you?"

It's along same lines of

I've done the laundry; tidied the house; walked the dog; what else do I need to do?