Learn English – Is it called a threshold or sill or door frame


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What to call the bar at the bottom of the door as shoed in the picture?

threshold (n): the floor or ground at the bottom of a doorway, considered as the entrance to a building or room

He stepped across the threshold.

on the threshold She stood hesitating on the threshold.

sill /sɪl/ noun [countable]

1 the narrow shelf at the base of a window frame

2 the part of a car frame at the bottom of the doors

Some people call it a Threshold as in this picture

enter image description here

Some call it a sill as in this picture

enter image description here

For example, when my little daughter touches it, what do I say "don't touch the threshold / sill / door frame"?

or is there any common way to express it?

Best Answer

I found the answer, it is called "threshold"

threshold [count] 1 : a piece of wood, metal, or stone that forms the bottom of a door and that you walk over as you enter a room or building

He stepped across the threshold.

When they were married he carried her over the threshold. [=he picked her up and carried her into their home when they entered it together for the first time]

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