Learn English – Is it correct to ask “did you come right?”


I sometimes mix up phrases between English and Afrikaans. In Afrikaans, there's a question "Het jy reg gekry?" Which literally is "Did you come right?"

It means "Did the situation work out?" or "Did things work out?"

Often, the reply is "Ja, ek het reg gekry", or "yes, I came right (with it)". I hear these phrases often in both English and Afrikaans in my bilingual community, since most people are fluent in both languages.

Since I only hear these phrases at home, I don't know if the English versions are common in the wider English-speaking world. Are they common in British or American English?

I googled and found one entry here, but didn't find a significant number of results that indicate it is very common/normal to hear.

Best Answer

“did you come right?”

This is close to acceptable English, a common English version being:

“did you come out alright?”

There is a long time phenomenon involving Low German Languages, which, broadly speaking, both Afrikaans and English are ( even though they are further sub-classed). A native speaker of one, listening to another, sometimes finds the "foreign" language sounding "native". There has not been a proper term devised for this phenomenon. It has happened to me once or twice.
If you were to use:

“did you come right?”

often with a native English speaker, that English speaker would understand it soon enough. But some English speaker unused to hearing it might not. There is a danger here I'm sure you understand about mixing languages. Especially languages which are historically so close. A story is that the so-called Pilgrims in US history left The Netherlands to come to America partially because the Pilgrim children started sounding more Dutch than English.

I think you will take care, now, to be sure you write English when writing English, and not Afrikaans with English form of words. That might be more difficult than it seems to be on the surface .