Learn English – Is it correct to say “0 hours”


Spanish uses the singular to refer to one and the plural to refer more than one or zero of something. Is the same for material things and other abstract concepts, for example, time measures: hours, minutes, seconds…


Tengo 1 hora libre.
Faltan 2 horas para terminar.
Finalizará en 0 horas 5 minutos y 2 segundos.

Is it correct, in English, to say, for example?

The process required 0 hours and 5 minutes.

Best Answer

It's not "incorrect," but normally you'd omit the hours instead:

The process required five minutes.

I suppose there are some exceptions. For example, I can see where an author might decide keep the zero for the sake of parallelism:

  • Process A required 2 hours and 12 minutes.
  • Process B required 1 hour and 47 minutes.
  • Process C required 0 hours and 14 minutes.
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