Learn English – Is it correct to use “at” while telling your age


Please check the sentences and let me know your valuable feedback (My one friend said this to me and he meant to say "he is 24 years old" so I told him that "at" is unnecessary here, but he did not agree with me, so I just wanted to confirm this).

I think at is completely unnecessary here:

I am at 24 years old.

It should be:

1- I am 24.

2- I am 24 years old.

Best Answer

You are right; it is not necessary. However, it's not grammatically incorrect.

Most of the time, I wouldn't use at when expressing my age. However I can imagine myself in an occasional dialogue that goes something like this:

My knees seem to ache more and more all the time nowadays.
Yes, it's rough getting old. Say, how old are you, anyway?
Me? I'm at 44.

In this context, the person is giving their age as though they are telling where they are in long race:

I'm at Mile 13; I'm halfway done with my marathon.

It's not a common usage, but it's not an incorrect one, either. Still, you are correct to say that the word at is not needed. Most of the time, I'd recommend omitting it.

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